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A community for writers and musicians.

We Curate Community Experiences.

Do WithLIT Creative is the fastest growing community of poetry, music and story creators and people who simply love to consume them.


We organize open mics, live music jamming sessions, curated shows, poetry gathering and other community events. We have had 5000+ artists and 15000+ audience across 20+ cities be a part of our shows.


The journey started in March 2020 just before the lockdown. The intent of dowithlit from day one has been to provide a safe, expressive platform for people who want to explore their creativity. We want to make dowithlit accessible to all, regardless of their background, geography and artistic inclination.

Publish Writing Online


Your content needs visibility. Be it poetry, stories, music or any art form that you are good at, publish it on social media with dowithlit. Let your content get an audience and even more valuable, feedback.

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Threads
  • Discord
  • Whatsapp
open mic artist


Be part of our much sought-after

DWL Open Mics, LITJAM, LITQUIZ, Curated Shows and other offline / online events that provide a stage to express content through various dimensions or for the audience, provide a new, memorable, impactful experience.

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Threads
  • Discord
  • Whatsapp
Creative Projects


If we identify you as an extraordinary artist, let us curate some memorable shows together! Be it a solo-show, themed curated show or a jamming show, do.with.lit is your platform to create events that stay with the audience. 

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Threads
  • Discord
  • Whatsapp
Vanessa Carson
Kya Rawlings
Joan McGowan
Erin Wells

We are Everywhere.

No matter where you are from, how you express yourself, dowithlit has that channel for you to express. On the other side, whether you are looking for a relatable, fun read or your next ear-worm indie music, dowithlit has it all to keep you engaged.

Meet the Team

dowithlit is being built with values rooted in us through experiences and the content we create and consume.

#dowithlit In Numbers




/ month


content pieces





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